November 2 - 13th 2024


November 2 - 13th 2024 🜁

Sacred Roots Luxury Peru Retreat is a retreat unlike any other.

The epitome of a once-in-a-lifetime transformational journey.

A soul journey for the high-achieving leaders, spiritual enthusiasts, the ones that know deep within they are ready.

This retreat will support your ability to tap into higher levels of consciousness, for those that have been on the path as mystics and spiritual explorers.

For the ones ready to evolve their gifts.

Peru is a land of rebirth. One of the most potent places on earth to embody the power of higher frequencies.

Filled with portal sites rich in shamanic history and light code frequencies.

These sacred portals have the ability to tap awake your connection to higher realms and dimensions.

This retreat offers a unique opportunity to connect with the rich traditions and energies of these sacred lands, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Meet Your Guides

Wilson Pinedo  

 A gifted shaman and spiritual healer, is a descendant of the esteemed Qorihuamán and Deza families in Peru. With over 30 years of experience in shamanic practices, Wilson carries forward the ancient teachings of the Inkas, offering transformative healing rooted in the sacred traditions of Andean culture. Born into a lineage of renowned shamans, including his great uncle, the legendary Altomesayoq Don Benito Qorihuaman, Wilson's upbringing in Huasao, Cusco, was deeply influenced by the wisdom of his ancestors.

Initiated into the medicine path by his family and the old Q’ero shamans from the mountains, Wilson has spent his life performing sacred ceremonies and rituals, including Despacho and San Pedro ceremonies, and walks to sacred places. His work is deeply connected to spiritual healing through meditation, prayer, and chants in the Inka language. Wilson is dedicated to preserving the ancient shamanic traditions while integrating contemporary beliefs, sharing this profound knowledge with the world.

Continuously seeking wisdom, Wilson remains a lifelong student of shamanic ways, passing on this ancient knowledge to spiritual seekers. He believes in the power of personal spiritual growth to create positive change in the world, leading to greater health, wellness, and environmental harmony. The Pinedo family, led by Wilson and his sister Vilma, continues to be a beacon of ancient wisdom and healing, embodying a sacred tradition of reverence for nature and holistic well-being.

Kristen Stuart 

The Sacred Valley of Peru holds great significance for me. In 2011 I heard the call that I needed to be there for the 11.11.11 portal. I knew my Soul was speaking yet little did I know the profound impact this journey would have on my life. This is when and where I first connected to my Akashic Records as my higher dimensional self was fully activated.

It was through the portal and on this sacred land where I experienced my first spiritual awakening. I went into a state of Oneness, merging with Source and seeing the higher truth of my existence and my mission.

Upon landing in the high altitude mountains of Cusco, I felt a remembrance of this sacred land. My heart was so wide open and I felt my connection to all. It was as though I had been here before and was now picking up Soul fragments calling me << home >>. 

What followed was my meeting of the Divine Mother in 2012, opening my healing path into divine feminine studies and embodiment. This began my next level initiations as an activator of divine feminine power, an intuitive channel and into multidimensional self-mastery.

It is also where I met a 4yr old girl, Soledad, now 17yrs old, who I remembered from other timelines. The Records showed me she is a daughter to me, and I am forever grateful for this ‘reunion’ that continues to be a very intimate and sacred part of my life.

The people, the land and the culture of the Quechua people brought me so much joy, expansion and immersing in the path of Andean Shamanism and the Ñusta, Andean Priestess, has brought me ever higher and deeper on my ascension journey.

Ceremony, Ritual, Yogic Technology, Kundalini, Andean Shamanism, Indigenous Wisdom, and the Akashic Records have all been a part of my path and inform what I share. My mission is to elevate the Women & Men of this world into their highest timeline of creation and infinite potential.

It is truly an honour to lead Women & Men on this sacred luxury journey to experience themselves in their divine blueprint and soul essence while supported by the ancient energy medicine and cosmology of the Q’ero and Quechua culture.

From the moment you arrive, you’ll be enveloped in the potent energy of Peru’s Sacred Valley

Imagine stepping into a world where ancient energy wisdom meets modern luxury, where every moment is a dance between the sacred and the sublime.

The Sacred Roots Luxury Peru Retreat isn't just a getaway; it's a profound pilgrimage into the heart of your true essence. For the Women and Men who have achieved so much in the external world but feel a deep calling to explore the spiritual, this retreat offers the perfect balance. It's an opportunity to reconnect with your higher self, to activate your sacred roots, and to experience a deeper alignment with the universe.

This retreat is for those who are ready to go beyond the ordinary and embrace the extraordinary. It’s for the ones who sense that there is more to life than the tangible success already achieved—who feels the pull of something ancient, something powerful, something that whispers to the soul from the height and depth of the Andes, where the Apus, or mountain spirits hold great power and presence.

The retreat is an activation of your higher sensory gifts, your divine essence, and your connection to the cosmos.

Your base will be luxurious 5-star resorts, designed to harmonize with the natural surroundings and to provide the perfect environment for deep rest and rejuvenation. Imagine waking up each day to the stunning vistas of the Andes, indulging in-house gourmet meals that nourish your body and spirit, and embarking on guided hikes to some of the most sacred sites in the world.

Each day will be a blend of spiritual practices, cultural immersion, and personal reflection. You’ll participate in traditional Andean ceremonies led by a 4th-generation Quechua Shaman, engage in lightbody activation practices, and explore the rich mysticism of this ancient land. The experience is curated to ensure that you not only connect with the external beauty of Peru but also with the inner beauty of your own soul.

The journey doesn’t end when you leave Peru. With two integration calls before and after the retreat and support though two months inside THE SOURCE Mastermind, you’ll be guided to weave the insights and transformations from the retreat into your everyday life, ensuring that the changes you experience are lasting and profound.

Here’s What’s Included:

  • 12 Days/11 nights Luxury 5-Star Accommodation

  • Gourmet, Nourishing Breakfasts and Dinners (1 dinner not included)

  • Luxury Train and Private Van Transport

  • Airport Shuttle to/from Cuzco International Airport

  • 2 Facilitators including 4th Generation Quechua Shaman and Curandero Pumanawi, Wilson Pinedo, of the Shaman’s Village Huasao in Peru’s Sacred Valley

  • Traditional Andean Ceremonies including Despacho Opening Ceremony, Fire Ceremony, Sound Healing, Breathwork, Champi Stone Healing Sessions

  • Guided hikes, entry fees, transport and Certified Tour Guide to the Sacred Sites of Moray, Maras, Pisac, Ñaupa Iglesia, Kinsacocha Lakes

  • 2 Months inside THE SOURCE Mastermind (Valued at $3776)

  • 2 Group Calls pre and post trip for integration

  • Private Telegram Group

    Luxury VIP Includes:

  • 2 months of Private 1:1 Mentorship with Kristen before/after the retreat (value $24K)

  • 2 Healing Session Calls with Wilson before/after the retreat (value $2222)

  • 2 x 1:1 private healing ceremonies in Peru with Wilson (value $2222)

  • 2 Private sessions with Kristen in Peru (value $6666)

*Flights to and from Cuzco, Peru are not included
Payment must be completed by September 2nd 2024
Minimum group size of 7 required
All purchases are non-refundable

~ Join Me For the Sacred Journey of A Lifetime ~

To pay in 2 payments select the payment plan option above

To pay in full, connect with the team to arrange for Wire Transfer Payment, please send an email to:

Luxury Single Accommodation $22k
2 Spaces Available

Luxury Shared Accommodation $14,444k
8 Spaces Remain

Luxury VIP $33K
1 Space Available
Please reach out to the team to reserve your Luxury VIP space.

All rates are per person (payment plans available)
All prices are in USD
Maximum Group Size 13 people
**Retreat registration deadline is Sept 2nd

Additional Expenses NOT INCLUDED

Airfare, Alcoholic Beverages, Massage + Spa Services, Additional meals + excursions not outlined in the itinerary.

Cancellation Policy

*Bookings are transferable though non-refundable.
*Trip Cancellation insurance is highly recommended.